মঙ্গলবার, ৩১ জুলাই, ২০১২

12 e 21 settembre: le presunte date di uscita e successiva presentazione di iPad Mini e iPhone 5

Secondo i recenti rumor, sembrerebbe che Apple stia progettando la presentazione del nuovo iPhone in un evento speciale che si terr? mercoled? 12 settembre 2012. Il nuovo dispositivo verr? poi commercializzato 9 giorni pi? tardi, ovvero venerd? 21 settembre. Ma il nuovo iPhone non sar? l?unico protagonista.

Sempre secondo queste voci, nuovi dispositivi verranno annunciati il 12 settembre. Stiamo parlando del mini iPad (abbondantemente chiacchierato negli ultimi mesi) e di una nuova versione dell?iPod nano. Anche un nuovo iPod touch potrebbe vedere la luce il 12 settembre, anche se non c?? effettivamente una voce precisa a riguardo. Ci teniamo a precisare che?queste informazioni provengono da fonti che in passato si sarebbero gi? dimostrate affidabili.

Lo scorso anno l?iPhone 4S ? stato annunciato marted? 4 ottobre (2011) e reso disponibile 10 giorni dopo, ovvero il 14 ottobre. L?evento ha incluso aggiornamenti minori per la linea degli iPod, ed un iPod touch 4 bianco. Quest?anno il nuovo iPad ? stato annunciato mercoled? 7 marzo 2012 e reso disponibile 9 giorni dopo, il 16 marzo; questo evento ha incluso la Apple TV a 1080p.

Come certamente ricorderete, 16 mesi hanno separato l?uscita dell?iPhone 4 da quella dell?iPhone 4S. Se queste date vociferate saranno rispettate, soltanto 11 mesi separeranno la data di commercializzazione dell?iPhone 4S da quella del nuovo iPhone.

Il maggior tempo che lo scorso anno ? intercorso tra un modello e l?altro ha consentito ad Apple di riposizionare l?iPhone come nuovo grande prodotto. Ha preso i riflettori dalla famiglia degli iPod che aveva impegnato il precedente periodo, ed ha riempito il tempo tra l?iPhone 4 Verizon (lanciato a febbraio 2011) lasciando ad Apple 4 mesi extra per lavorare su iOS 5, che ha incluso nuove caratteristiche come iCloud, Centro Notifiche, iMessage e Siri.

iOS 6, annunciato durante il WWDC 2012 di giugno, potrebbe poi avere una presentazione finale proprio durante l?ipotizzato evento del 12 settembre, per essere poi rilasciato qualche giorno dopo, ad esempio il 19 settembre.

Solitamente, infatti, Apple, in occasione del lancio del nuovo iPhone, mostra qualche funzionalit? extra del nuovo iOS che necessita dell?hardware specifico del nuovo prodotto. Negli ultimi anni?Phil Schiller ha dimostrato le registrazioni avanzate della fotocamera e della videocamera e?Scott Forstall, il?Voice Control,?FaceTime, e Siri. Cosa potrebbero mostrare di nuovo quest?anno?

Per quanto riguarda l?hardware, si vocifera che l?iPad mini sar? esattamente come il modello da?9.7 pollici salvo per le differenti dimensioni. Il nuovo iPhone invece, secondo i recenti report e le relative immagini, avr? un display da 4 pollici in 16:9. Tutti i nuovi iDevice inoltre avranno il nuovo e pi? piccolo connettore dock da 19 pin, la nano sim (per quelli dotati della parte telefonica), tecnologia in-cell ed una batteria di maggiore capacit?.

In ogni caso, se queste voci si dovessero rivelare esatte, lo sapremo con certezza tra sole 6 settimane.

Via | iMore

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ipadevice/~3/2JcGJA9TMbM/story01.htm

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Candidates look overseas for campaign cash

American businessman Sheldon Adelson, who has said he will donate millions to Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's campaign, walks with his wife Miriam Ochsorn after Romney delivered a speech in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

American businessman Sheldon Adelson, who has said he will donate millions to Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's campaign, walks with his wife Miriam Ochsorn after Romney delivered a speech in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney talks to American businessman Sheldon Adelson, who has said he will donate millions to Romney's campaign, after he delivered a speech in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

American businessman Sheldon Adelson, who has said he will donate millions to Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's campaign, is seated before Romney delivers a speech in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

(AP) ? In the hunt for campaign money, no distance is too far to travel, especially when the race between President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney is tight and likely to stay that way into the fall.

The Democratic president and his Republican challenger have been aggressively courting Americans living abroad at fundraisers held far beyond U.S. shores. Such efforts serve the dual purpose of raising money to pay for what may be the most expensive election in U.S. history, and galvanizing a largely untapped group of eligible voters.

The practice is legal and has been used for decades, said former Federal Election Commission Chairman David Mason.

Obama has raised nearly $600,000 from Americans abroad while Romney has brought in about $325,000, according to campaign finance records analyzed by the Center for Responsive Politics. Those figures don't include sums raised overseas by both party committees or Romney's take from a pair of fundraisers in London during his visit there last week.

The sums are just a fraction of the more than $300 million Obama has raised overall and the $155 million raised by Romney, but every penny counts in a race that is neck and neck, as recent polls have shown.

One of Romney's London fundraisers raised eyebrows because the guest list included executives from Barclays, which recently admitted that bank employees were involved in manipulating a key market index. U.S. and British agencies fined the bank nearly half a billion dollars and Bob Diamond, who resigned as CEO, pulled out of the fundraiser. He had already given Romney's campaign the maximum individual donation of $2,500.

A separate well of potential donors awaited Romney in Israel, the second stop on the former Massachusetts governor's three-country tour. But there too Romney attracted some unwanted attention when his campaign announced it would break with its own precedent by barring reporters from covering a fundraiser at a swanky Jerusalem hotel. A day later, his campaign reversed course and said reporters could cover Romney's remarks to donors.

An invitation for the Monday event put the minimum ticket price at $50,000 per couple ? plus a copy of a U.S. passport. Romney advisers said the event was expected to raise more than $1 million.

Romney has vigorously courted Jewish and pro-Israel voters at home and in the Jewish state, hoping to capitalize on the perception by some that Obama hasn't been supportive enough of the critical U.S. ally. A delegation of Romney supporters, including former Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer, recently went to Israel to register eligible U.S. voters.

Matthew Brooks, who heads the Republican Jewish Coalition and organized the trip, noted that those voters live in a dangerous region.

"Whoever is the president of the United States has a direct impact on their lives," he said.

Showing deference to Israel also could help Romney shore up support from Sheldon Adelson, an American casino mogul who has pledged to spend more than $100 million to defeat Obama. Adelson, who attended Romney's Sunday speech in Jerusalem, is a staunch Israel supporter and finances a widely read, free newspaper there.

Early one May morning in Hong Kong, about 50 Americans squeezed into a conference room where Romney was beamed in by video teleconference for a fundraiser, said William Strong, an executive at Morgan Stanley who lives in Asia and helped organize the event. It was late in the evening for Romney in the U.S., but he spoke and took questions for about 45 minutes.

Obama too has overseas fundraisers taking place in his absence. His surrogates have been seen at fundraisers in Shanghai, Paris and London. Next month, actor George Clooney will headline an Obama fundraiser in Geneva, Switzerland. Guests can attend for $1,000. A $5,000 donation includes a photo reception and a $30,000 contribution buys dinner for two.

Obama has raised at least $2 million through nine expatriates who appear on his most recent list of bundlers ? supporters who group together contributions from friends and colleagues. Five Americans with addresses in the United Kingdom are on the list, plus two from France and one each from China and Switzerland. Romney has not released a full list of his bundlers.

U.S. law bans foreigners from contributing to political campaigns, but American citizens and green-card holders can legally donate regardless of where they live, subject to the $2,500-per-person contribution limit that applies to those living stateside. Campaigns, the parties and political committees are expected to review their donors and reject any ineligible contributions.

Election law experts have warned that the proliferation of super PACs has made it impossible to tell whether foreign cash is flowing to the campaigns. The foreign money ban also applies to super PACs, but some of their money comes from vague corporate entities, obscuring the original funding source.

Two percent of the money super PACs raised this year came in the form of so-called "secret money" that can't be reasonably traced, according to a preliminary analysis from an upcoming report by Demos and the U.S. Public Interest Research Group. In addition to super PACs, nonprofit groups are also spending heavily on the 2012 race, campaign finance experts said, and those groups aren't required to disclose their donors as long as their political activities stay within certain limits.

"As long as there is secret money sloshing around in our national elections, the public simply has no way of knowing if illegal foreign money is working its way into influencing our presidential and congressional races," said Fred Wertheimer of Democracy 21, which advocates for campaign finance reform.

An Associated Press review of donations to major super PACs this year found 55 contributions that either listed no address or were missing the U.S. state. The vast majority appeared to be oversights or sloppy bookkeeping, rather than foreign contributions. The Red, White and Blue fund, a super PAC that backed Rick Santorum's campaign, in February returned a $50,000 donation from a British securities firm that would have violated the ban on foreign funds.


Associated Press writer Jack Gillum contributed to this report.


Reach Josh Lederman on Twitter: http://twitter.com/joshledermanAP

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-07-30-Presidential%20Campaign-Fundraising%20Abroad/id-5e7d4b0efc9149d2a8a6c2e95081dc7c

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City Efforts Result in 20% Discount for Residents' Flood Insurance ...

The City has recently received some good news from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) about increased savings on flood insurance premiums for citizens of Corvallis. Due to the efforts of City staff, owners of properties within flood hazard areas will receive an additional 5% discount on their premiums, for a total savings of 20%.

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) was created to provide a way for property owners to financially protect themselves. The NFIP provides federally backed flood insurance to communities that enact and enforce floodplain regulations. Participation in this program is voluntary, with agencies being rated from Class 1 to 10 depending on the number of floodplain management activities that are undertaken. The more activities, the lower the classification, and the greater the discounts on flood insurance premiums.

A community?s flood program and associated rating is reviewed by FEMA in-depth every five years, so it is very important that staff actively participate in that process, identifying all activities undertaken by the City to minimize the impact of local flooding on private properties. During the most recent Corvallis review, City staff was able to identify additional activities that improved our rating from a Class 7 to a Class 6 community. These include requirements on development projects for flood plain mapping in areas that have not been mapped by FEMA as well as preserving land in flood hazard areas. The City?s maintenance program for our community?s storm water system also earned additional points. Corvallis is now one of eight cities or counties in Oregon with a rating of 6 or better.

City staff will continue to pursue credit for our local actions to help make flood insurance premiums more affordable for our community. To learn more about this flood management program contact Corvallis Public Works at 541-766-6941.

Contact: Jeff McConnell, P.E., Engineering Supervisor
City of Corvallis, Public Works Department
Phone: 541-766-6729, ext. 5083, Fax: 541-766-6464

Source: http://www.ci.corvallis.or.us/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=5057&Itemid=2

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Modern culture began in South Africa 44,000 years ago

Call it the end of the late late show. The Later Stone Age technology was thought to have made its first appearance in South Africa much later than it did in Europe. A new analysis of South African finds suggests modern culture emerged in both areas at the same time.

In Europe, the Upper Palaeolithic ? another term for the Later Stone Age ? is commonly dated to around 45,000 years ago. In South Africa the archaeological evidence suggests the Later Stone Age did not begin until much later ? around 22,000 years ago.

Perhaps no longer, though. Paola Villa of the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History in Boulder, and her colleagues, have delved deep into the layers of Border Cave in South Africa, and found that Middle Stone Age tool-making techniques were giving way to Later Stone Age technology by 44,000 years ago. For instance, stone spear points ? a hallmark of Middle Stone Age technology ? were replaced by bows and bone arrows.

A companion paper, headed by Francesco d'Errico of the University of Bordeaux, France, found organic evidence that pointed to a similar date, including ornamental ostrich eggshell beads, digging sticks, and beeswax wrapped in fibres ? the oldest recorded use of beeswax as an adhesive for attaching tools to handles. It's likely that these organic artefacts represent the beginning of the modern-day San hunter-gatherer society in South Africa.

The Border Cave evidence also shows a striking trend of internal evolution. Though Later Stone Age technologies could theoretically have spread rapidly to the north and south from a source in East Africa, Villa's evidence suggests otherwise. The South African finds suggest a gradual shift into the Later Stone Age, while retaining a few elements from earlier times in the form of notched bones, bone awls and marine shell beads. That points to the South African populations evolving many of their later tools independently.

"To prove internal evolution, you need a place like Border Cave that has a long sequence, many layers, is well dated, and all use the same materials to make artefacts," says Villa.

Journal references: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1202629109 and 10.1073/pnas.1204213109

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সোমবার, ৩০ জুলাই, ২০১২

Crops keep shrinking in historic drought

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Dry and hot weather in the U.S. Midwest for the next week or two will further erode crop conditions, trimming this year's corn and soybean crop production, an agricultural meteorologist forecast Monday.

"It looks like a continued trend of below-average precipitation in the Midwest for the next week to 10 days," said John Dee, meteorologist for Global Weather Monitoring.

Temperatures this week will warm into the upper 80s to low 90s degrees Fahrenheit, with only a few light showers in the east on Monday and some rainfall later in the week, he said.

"There are no widespread soaking rains in sight. Thursday and Friday there could be scattered showers, and by the weekend from 0.30 to 0.80 inch with coverage of about 75 to 80 percent," Dee said. "There won't be as much stress as recently, but crops will continue to deteriorate."

There were mixed signals for the weather early next week, with some weather models showing some rain but others indicating that the dryness would continue.

Rains brought some relief from drought in the northern and eastern Midwest, but overall crops will continue to suffer from the worst drought in more than 50 years, especially in the central and southern Corn Belt.

A lessened U.S. harvest was raising worries about the ability of the world's largest food exporter to meet the needs of food processors, livestock producers and ethanol makers. The lack of rain was also drying up waterways and slowing river shipments of commodities to export ports on the Gulf of Mexico.

Corn and soybean conditions have been on a rapid skid this summer, falling to their worst conditions since the last U.S. drought of 1988. Crop specialists expect the U.S. Department of Agriculture to report another drop in conditions in its weekly crop report released later on Monday.

Commodity Weather Group (CWG) on Monday said recent rains had scaled down the driest areas to about 40 percent of the Midwest soybeans for much of this week.

But "the return of drier conditions to the central and southwestern belt will allow concerns to quickly return to at least half of the belt," CWG said.

Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) corn futures were up more than 20 cents per bushel, or 2.69 percent, and soybeans up 35 cents, or 2 percent, on Monday as investors bought on fears of a crop shortfall in the U.S. this year.

(Reporting By Sam Nelson)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/crops-keep-shrinking-historic-drought-122910623.html

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For those who run a tiny business enterprise, marketing charges must be figured in as part of one?s general expenditures. If you have received quotes for phone directory ads, small business association block ads, and mainly any other print media, these charges are quite high. So, what if your price range is tiny, maybe negligible? Will you be left outside with the marketing arena or are there other avenues to assist you get the word out? The answer in 1 word is: yes. Let?s explore ways you are able to get the word out through on the web meansyes, through the net!

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You?ll be able to also create a lot of attention by writing articles, just like the one particular you might be reading now. No, you don?t have to be a professional writer, but in the event you can clearly convey your thoughts and present a strategy of action for your readers [such as: invest in my product] you can get what amounts to become totally free marketing. How so? By submitting what you write to article submission websites for wider dissemination. By which includes helpful links inside the author resource box you are able to bring about search engines like google to create your web internet site far more visible as your post gets reprinted on other internet web-sites. Moreover, readers will perceive that you are an expert and will most likely inquire to find out just what you happen to be all about. You can call this, ?small business enterprise advertising on the cheap!

No, as a small organization owner you don?t have to be strapped by high advertising costs ? who has the money to spare? Rather, the world wide web provides to you quite a few expense productive ways of informing individuals about who you might be, what you do, and exactly where they?re able to find you.

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CPS Energy adding extra fee to certain bill-payment transactions

CPS Energy is adding a new surcharge on certain bill-payment methods.

Beginning Aug. 1, CPS Energy will start charging customers a $1 per transaction fee for paying their bills at non-CPS Energy locations like H-E-B stores, Exxons, food marts and kiosks.

Customers who pay their bills at CPS Energy customer service locations will not be charged the added fee.

There is no charge to pay monthly bills by mail or online through the utility?s Manage My Account service using a checking or savings account. CPS Energy recently expanded customers? ability to pay their bills on mobile devices such as iPads. Customers who pay their bills over the phone with a debit or credit card already pay a third-party vendor fee of $2.50.

CPS Energy is the nation?s largest municipally owned natural gas and electric utility.

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James Aldridge oversees online content of the newspaper; edits and reports stories for the online edition.

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/vertical_13/~3/u7raKAv82OI/cps-energy-adding-extra-fee-to-certain.html

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Read These Cease Snoring Suggestions To Relax At Night

When you are always snoring on your sleep and need to discover how to eradicate this, then your search is over.

Attempt to deal with the one you love concerning their snoring at the mutually good time. As an alternative to waking him up in the middle of the night to inform him you?re provided on top of his snoring loudly, wait till the next day and strategy the topic when you?re within a great frame of mind. Be firm that an answer has to be identified, but do it in a loving, even humorous way.

If you snore loudly and you are a tobacco user, then you should look at stopping smoking. Smoking cigarettes triggers harm to your breathing system, which in turn causes you to definitely snore loudly even louder. For that reason, you should quit smoking to enable you to not only obtain far better overall health, but also you can stop your frustrating snoring loudly at night.

Snoring can be a problem should you be employed to slumbering on your back. This position can cause the tissues in the neck in becoming lax which can consequently prohibit your respiratory tract, causing snoring. Try to sleeping inside a distinct placement, including on your side to reduce this issue.

A sensible way to stop your from sleeping on your back, that make loud snoring more serious, is always to sew some thing on the rear of your tee shirt which will be not comfortable when you roll over on it. As a result you less likely to at any time sleep at night in a place where you stand on your back.

View a medical doctor or dental professional for analysis if snoring is associated with indications of long-term sleep problems, for example bad-good quality rest, daytime sleepiness, or difficulty concentrating. Although snoring loudly will not be usually a sign of a severe situation, it can sometimes reveal obstructive sleep apnea, a respiration condition which impacts approximately 20 percent of adults.

Snoring loudly is typical for individuals that sleeping on their own backside nevertheless, it?s challenging to sleep working for you if your habit is to roll face up. Stitch a football tennis ball in to the back of your respective pajama tshirt ? if you roll onto your back, the annoyance will press you straight back to your part, and you?ll end heavy snoring.

Just like you?ve discovered right from the start of your post, there is a lot you can do to eradicate the loud snoring that could be annoying as you sleep.

Using the information and facts that you have just read, you should be more nicely-educated regarding what choices are for sale to cease snoring loudly. While snoring is just not typically an indication of an existence-damaging issue, it is irritating. Take advantage of this information and facts and do whatever it takes to have a full evening of sleep and relaxation.

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Source: http://www.articledumpster.com/read-these-cease-snoring-suggestions-to-relax-at-night/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=read-these-cease-snoring-suggestions-to-relax-at-night

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রবিবার, ২৯ জুলাই, ২০১২

NBC draws ire for not streaming ceremony

NEW YORK (AP) ? A look at media coverage of the Summer Olympics:

Even before NBC signed on for its coverage of the Summer Olympics in London on Friday, it drew a storm online for its decision not to stream the opening ceremony digitally. Despite the grumbling, it's a decision that may pay off for the network.

NBC Universal has promised to stream live online every athletic competition in the Summer Games for the first time. But the opening and closing ceremonies were always planned to be shown on tape delay, a network spokesman said. Coverage began shortly before 8 p.m. on the East Coast, about the same time that spectators in London ? which is five hours ahead of New York time ? were filing out of Olympic Stadium.

NBC Sports spokesman Christopher McCloskey said the ceremonies "are complex entertainment spectacles that do not translate well online because they require context, which our award-winning production team will provide for the large prime-time audiences that gather together to watch them."

Many people took to Twitter to complain Friday that they felt cheated by the decision, and provided online links to other outlets, like the BBC, that were streaming the ceremony online.

The website for Business Insider said "boo" about NBC's decision and offered two separate links. The popular sports website Deadspin posted a link to the BBC stream and urged its followers to watch it as a way of sending NBC an obscene gesture.

CNN's Piers Morgan, who was tweeting details about the ceremony in the late afternoon, tweeted shortly before 7:30 p.m. ET: "Laughable that America is yet to start watching the Olympic ceremony on TV. Seriously."

But NBC executives will gladly trade the complaints for a repeat of what happened four years ago in Beijing.

The network similarly offered the opening ceremony then on tape delay and there were many complaints, although less widespread because of a less wired world. But all the talk about the ceremony in the hours before it was televised created a buzz, and the 34.9 million people who watched it was the largest opening ceremony audience in 12 years. NBC makes most of its money through its prime-time advertising, and the strong opening night ratings set a tone that continued throughout the Games.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/nbc-draws-ire-not-streaming-ceremony-234202997--finance.html

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The Dog Bakery ? How To Turn Love For Pets To Business ...

The installation of a pet door on the wall is very important to keeping a sound structure. It must always be framed, so it is important to have someone competent who is good at carpentry help with the installation.

Look at the door for any system that pulls the door securely closed each time it is put to use. Having a locking setup which secures the panel strongly against the door jamb, you obtain much better safety from outside intrusion. And there?s a lot more to that. Through this sturdy bolting system, your property stays safeguarded from breezes, rain, snow, cool gusts of wind along with other severe varying weather conditions. Additionally, the tight latch can keep your property from the scorching summer months and also preserve cool air inside the limits of your property.

A pet doorway is a gadget that permits your pet to enter and exit the house with out your support whenever they want to go in or out. Pet doors come in various layout and designs.

We had figured that we could trust the research and time spent by Dog Fancy to our advantage. If they felt that this pet door should take top honors, then this is a door that we should consider.

dog doors for walls

Countless pet owners most likely keep their dogs indoors at night,First. You should match the size of your dog to the kind of house you want for him. Also, think about the design and type, and they should be well-related to the kind of material the house will be built of.

Advanced pet flap offerings actually insulate very well in actual fact and really does make sure that a great seal is maintained giving great heat retention properties. So be sure to ensure you get the exact flap, and if you are looking to entirely get rid of your existing one, get a first-rate branded name.

Some dogs and cats like to sleep in a stretched out position, either legs out to the side or laying on their belly, with their legs out in front. Most larger dogs like the stretched out position. Other dogs and cats like to curl up in a ball, snuggled up and cozy with their favorite dog toy or cat toy. Determine which way your pet sleeps, and measure your pet in that position. Be sure to consider if they sleep in different positions, and measure in their largest sleeping position.

Looking for Dog Doors for Sliding Glass Doors? Make sure you have read this article before purchase the Dog Door Sliding Glass Door! Find out the advantage and disadvantage of Sliding Glass Dog Doors, their prices, their types and some useful tips to let you have an ideal Dog Door.Everyone wants strong doors and windows to keep them and their property and valuables safe.

Looking for Dog Doors for Sliding Glass Doors? Make sure you have read this article before purchase the Dog Door Sliding Glass Door! Find out the advantage and disadvantage of Sliding Glass Dog Doors, their prices, their types and some useful tips to let you have an ideal Dog Door. Sliding Glass Door Woes?

Sliding glass door screens are now common not only in big luxurious houses but also in small ones. They make a big change to the interiors and make them even more beautiful. The easiness to operate is the reason why many people opt for it.

There are many reasons for wanting to install sliding closet doors. This is very important otherwise your pet can become very lazy and unhealthy.
dog doors for walls

Source: http://answers.apostoliccm.com/2012/07/the-dog-bakery-how-to-turn-love-for-pets-to-business/

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Teen critically injured in car accident | Legal Shield | Pre-Paid Legal ...

Friday morning around 10 a.m. an accident in Bluffton, Ohio left one teen in critical condition in the intensive care unit of St. Rita?s Medical Center.

No related posts.

This entry was posted in Lawyer Blogs, Legal Advice from Lawyers and tagged Automobile Accidents by John J. Sheehan. Bookmark the permalink.

Source: http://safeguardfreedom.com/blog/?p=6992

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The One And Only Dog Trainers Bible | Love My Pets GPS Pet ...

TIP! Training is not a time for you to punish your dog. While it?s best to prevent bad behavior to start with, if your pet is misbehaving, make sure he does it right the second time.

Dog owners who understand the responsibility of owning a dog, realize that training is essential. Training your dog to be a well mannered canine citizen will not only improve your relationship with them, it will keep them safe and happy. Here are some tips to help you train your dog or find a trainer.

TIP! Regular challenges will keep your dog from losing his chops. Try giving them ?quizzes? to see what they know, even if you know they will succeed.

A clicker works well when training most dogs. In order for the clicker to work for your training, you need your dog to understand that when he or she hears the click, good things will happen. You should click, and then immediately treat. This method will be necessary until your dog learns that the ?reward? is the clicking sound alone. Slowly but surely, your dog will understand what the sound of the clicker means and you can shape his or her behavior accordingly.

TIP! Keep count of the number of treats you feed your dog because you do not want him or her to get fat. The number of treats a dog gets during training can rack up pretty quickly, and a lot of owners overlook this part of their canine?s diet.

Don?t just give your dog treats during training, learn to make use of positive reinforcement as well. Dogs are eager to please and respond well to positive reinforcement tactics. However, you may not always have a treat with you to congratulate you dog outside of regular training sessions. It is important to also learn skills like praising, and physical affection to replace treats.

TIP! Make training with your dog fun. Taking some time to have fun with your dog makes your dog like you more, which means fewer problems when training him.

Do not give up when you?re training your dog. Your canine will need to constantly be reinforced, or what you teach them can be forgotten. Your dog requires food, shelter, companionship, and instruction from you every day, throughout your relationship.

TIP! You need to know when to call a professional. If you are at your wits end trying to train your dog, you may want to look for a professional dog trainer.

One of the most basic dog training tips around is to use your dog?s name to command its attention. Your dog must respond well for you to have control. Be sure to call your dog a dozen times a day until you are sure s/he knows his or her name, and will respond. Also, don?t punish your dog if he comes over when you call him by name.

TIP! Whenever you introduce new animals to your home, make sure you do it slowly. If you want a second pet, look for one that will be compatible with your current pet.

You will have to buy a big bed if you have a big dog. There are big, long dog beds around for larger dogs, or you could look for a mattress taken from a crib. The perks of these are that you can change out the sheets on crib mattresses as often as you like without too much effort. And as an added bonus, crib mattresses are water-resistant!

TIP! Keep your dog occupied if you need to walk past something that will set him off. Alternatively stated, when your pet dislikes the company of other animals, try to distract him or her whenever you encounter them out in the neighborhood.

Make sure you feed your dog healthy food. A poor diet is bad for your dog on several levels. It can make your dog behave badly and is not good for their health. Simply improving their diet may have a bigger impact on how they respond to training.

TIP! Decide on a single phrase that you can say when house training your puppy, and stick with it every time. When it?s time for him to go outside to do his business, say ?Elimination Device.

Your dog needs to be mentally stimulated just like a human does. Take your dog on a walk, give them toys and bones to keep them busy. Bored dogs will often turn to chewing furniture, shoes or even drywall, to amuse themselves if they are not given proper stimulation.

TIP! Overworking a new puppy with new information will only lead to trouble. A puppy has a short attention span and limited energy to focus, so keep your sessions brief and as positive as possible.

These tips should help you and your dog have an enjoyable relationship. A well trained dog leads to a better relationship. Training will ensure that you and your dog have many happy years together

Source: http://lovemypetsgps.com/blog/2621/the-one-and-only-dog-trainers-bible/

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Product Creation Ideas: Your Blueprint To Success | welcome to ...

Having the capacity to create very own product to market is without question the ultimate way to make cash online. But, there are also a number of factors to have a look at before the product creation process even begins.

So here we go, let?s check how one can come up with and formulate your very own lucrative product to market on the internet.

The most typical error made, particularly by novices is getting a product produced before validating when there is already a need for that specific product. You might have a blazing and best selling product however what?s the point if there?s nobody who is most willing dole out money on it?

Why not do the complete opposite technique as an alternative by researching for a marketplace willing to pounce on the product prior to starting with product creation per se. This certainly will ensure you?re not firing blanks but will in fact be making profits from the product you produced.

In the event that you?ve already been on the internet market for quite a while and signed up for numerous lists, you?ll most likely be receiving emails from internet marketers requesting that you fill up online surveys or maybe let them be aware of the kind of products you would like to have or the issues you?re having.

It?s totally obvious they are conducting a bit of research for demand from customers and will obtain a product created to resolve the popular problems consumers are having.

Subsequent, don?t just simply get into a marketplace that are looking for a product, rather work out that are looking for it so badly and hungrily a tiger gazing at a bloody red meat.

To further elaborate my point, picture this:

You?re an adolescent with too much acne breakouts developing flowery patterns throughout your face and you?re distressed to discover a miracle treatment of this serious problem. You need to do a search on the internet for a cure and stumbled on finding an e-book known as ?How to Have Your Acne breakouts Cleared in 20 Days or Less with a clinically tested Method . . . Guaranteed!?

At this point, are you going to purchase this e-book? I don?t know about you but I?ll purchase it as soon as possible without blinking.

Therefore make sure you choose an outrageous, frantic target audience and showcase your product offering right in front of those people, and you?ll get an effective product.

Now in the event that you?ve discovered a market ready to spend some money however one that you have little if any information of. How are you going to have a product created? Simple. Conduct a research for that specific subject by means of Google, online community forums, and specialized assisted content articles and by other methods for your convenience. Accumulate all of the pertinent the you will need from the various resources and whip all of them up into a coherent product.

Lots of work?

Indeed, you have to be ready to step outside the comfort zone. In case, a couple of days of research produce you many years of regular product revenue, isn?t that a worthwhile investment decision to get yourself into?

At present should you insist that people can search for the solutions themselves, ponder ? wouldn?t it be beneficial to obtain all the details in a single place and obtaining on the spot answers instead of experiencing all of the inconvenience of browsing each and every corner of the internet for all those solutions? And also people are normally ready to invest in a fast and quick remedy to their problems.

Before I conclude, allow me to repeat ? the crucial part of product creation would be to discover a market which is having issues and your mission here is to satisfy those needs. Create a powerful Eben Pagan Guru Blueprint that?ll provide for this market and NO fingers crossing, you?ll be raking in money regularly from this product.

Source: http://www.bonestellgallery.com/product-creation-ideas-your-blueprint-to-success/

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M-Audio Oxygen 49

The third-generation M-Audio Oxygen 49 ($189.95 list) is a solid 49-key MIDI keyboard controller that works with PCs and Macs. It's actually part of a four-product lineup, which consists of the Oxygen 25, the Oxygen 49, the Oxygen 61, and the Oxygen 88, with each number reflecting the corresponding key bed size. It turns out that regardless of which one you choose, the M-Audio Oxygen is an easy Editors' Choice. It offers excellent value as a day-to-day controller for Apple GarageBand ($14.99, 4.5 stars), as well as pro-level digital audio workstations, virtual synthesizer plug-ins, and music instruction software.

Design and Controls
The Oxygen 49 measures 29 by 9.4 by 3.7 inches (HWD) and weighs 6.4 pounds. The keyboard is made entirely of plastic, with a smooth, expensive-looking gray finish, and full size ivory-like keys. It looks bluish in photos, but in person it appears gray, and it feels solid and well made.

One of the reasons why the M-Audio Oxygen line has been successful for so long is its vast array of MIDI control features, and here the Oxygen 49 doesn't disappoint. Starting at the top left, there are two plastic pitch bend and modulation wheels, each one with a sizable finger indent. Four rubber keys to the right handle Track Select and transposition. To the right of those keys, a 3-digit red LED display shows the currently selected parameter?usually with a range of 0 to 127, although it also shows octave and preset info. This is one place that even a slightly larger LED display would be helpful, though I suppose M-Audio has to save something for its more expensive Axiom line (which also features higher quality, semi-weighted keys and eight drum sample pads, among other upgrades).

The Oxygen 49's back panel, meanwhile, features a standard-size USB port, a sustain pedal jack, and a power switch, with a Kensington-style lock opening on the right side for security purposes in student and educational settings. The Oxygen 49 comes with a six-foot USB cable, but no AC adapter. In fact, there's no DC power jack, either. That's not a problem with today's PCs, but it hampers compatibility with an iPhone or iPad, since third-party MIDI adapters like the IK Multimedia iRig MIDI ($69.99, 3.5 stars) assume AC power for the keyboard. I wouldn't have minded if the AC adapter was optional, but to remove the jack with it seems a bit excessive.

M-Audio Oxygen 49

Programming, Performance, and Conclusions
A long row of rectangular keys just above the keyboard let you program controller information. These work in conjunction with the MIDI keyboard itself, which when placed in Edit mode handles various functions according to the labels behind the keys (such as for bank switching, velocity curves, and drawbar programming). More prominently, there are nine assignable sliders in the center of the keyboard, plus eight assignable knobs on the right side. Dedicated transport keys sit on the right beneath the knobs. All of the controls feel good to the touch and move with precision.

I tested the M-Audio Oxygen 49 with a custom-built Core i7 PC running Avid Pro Tools 10 ($699.99, 4.5 stars), Steinberg Cubase 6.5 ($499.95, 4 stars), and Cakewalk SONAR X1 ($499.99, 3 stars), as well as with a 15-inch MacBook Pro running Apple Logic Pro 9 ($199.99, 4.5 stars). The Oxygen 49 worked flawlessly in all cases. Key feel is on the light side, but felt precise enough that I wasn't constantly reminded I was playing a budget-priced controller, and the vast array of knobs and sliders made controlling on-screen parameters a breeze.

If you're looking for something that feels more like an actual piano, you'll want semi-weighted or fully weighted, piano-style keys with solid front ends. The new Oxygen 88 looks like a good alternative, although I haven't tested it yet; there are of course many other 88-key controllers out there. On the smaller side, the Alesis Q25 ($179.95, 3.5 stars) is a slightly lower-cost alternative that omits most of the controls. The Q25 features a two-inch shallower depth that makes it easier to place on a small desk, although it's a bit wider, as the pitch bend and modulation wheels are on the left of the key bed. If you're planning on using your controller with an iPad, the Samson Carbon 49 ($89, 3.5 stars) offers a built-in slot to sit the tablet neatly in front of you and at an angle, although it lacks the Oxygen 49's copious array of assignable sliders, knobs, and transport controls and doesn't feel quite as robust.

More Audio Accessory Reviews:
??? M-Audio Oxygen 49
??? Alesis iO Dock for iPad
??? Samson Carbon 49 USB MIDI Controller
??? Griffin StudioConnect for iPad
??? Avid Mbox Mini
?? more

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ziffdavis/pcmag/~3/SoA3dkS3HXo/0,2817,2407625,00.asp

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Zab Judah | 400 Liberty Avenue | Brooklyn Rental ... - The Real Deal

Zab Judah

An East New York boxing club run by the father of a former world champion is facing eviction after falling prey to a real estate scam, the New York Daily News reported. Judah Brothers Boxing Club, run by the father of former welterweight world champion Zab Judah, opened last summer at 400 Liberty Avenue after Yoel Judah agreed to a rent deal with someone claiming to be an associate of the building?s landlord, Chester Meisels.

Judah repeatedly asked to sign a lease, but the man did not produce paperwork. The boxing trainer finally became suspicious after paying several months of rent without a formal lease. Now, Meisels has emerged and said he is owed $360,000 in back rent. He also wants to make sure that Judah has a viable business plan with financial backing for a club that trains impoverished children, some of whom attend for free because they can?t afford membership fees.

?I don?t want to evict them. I pity the kids,? Meisels told the News. ?I believe it does a great value for the neighborhood. But on the other hand I cannot house a tenant that cannot pay their dues.? [NYDN]

Source: http://therealdeal.com/blog/2012/07/26/rental-scam-endangers-brooklyn-boxing-club-affiliated-with-former-champ/

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EMD Selects Ioxus' 3000F iCAP Ultracapacitors for Improved Fuel ...

ONEONTA, NY?-?Ioxus, Inc., a manufacturer of premium performance ultracapacitor technology for transportation, alternative energy, medical, industrial and consumer product markets, announced it is providing ultracapacitors to?ElectroMotive Design LLC?(EMD), an engineering services company and a manufacturer of hybrid-electric conversion systems for Class 2 through 8 buses and trucks. Ioxus? ultracapacitors are the primary energy storage technology used in EMD?s fuel saving hybrid electric technology called emDRIVE.

EMD?s emDRIVE?hybrid conversion system offers a cost-effective and easy-to-install solution for fleet operators to combat rising fuel prices and meet government fuel economy regulations. Ultracapacitor technology dramatically enhances the operation of emDRIVE?as compared to previously used energy storage solutions. EMD chose Ioxus? 3,000F iCAP cell as the?core energy storage solutionin its emDRIVE?hybrid conversion system because it has the lowest weight, lowest equivalent series resistance (ESR) and highest power density available in the market. Ultracapacitors can handle more than one million charge and discharge cycles and offer a longer lifespan than batteries, allowing EMD to meet customer demands for a low-cost solution that is easy to install and reduces operating costs.

?We use ultracapacitors as our system?s energy storage medium in order to capture regenerative braking energy to be used later to assist the vehicle?s acceleration,? said Joseph Ambrosio, General Manager of EMD. ?Because ultracapacitors are highly efficient at energy recapture and storage, they are best able to handle the high power bursts we needed for our hybrid conversion systems to deliver the highest fuel efficiency.?

With a high cycle life, a high charge acceptance rate of 95 percent, wide temperature operating range and instantaneous recharge, ultracapacitors are the ideal energy storage solution for hybrid-electrical applications. Ultracapacitors are the only technology able to capture the high peak power levels of a regenerative braking event in a compact, low-weight package. EMD?s emDRIVE, with the help of Ioxus ultracapacitors, extends the life of brake pads anywhere from 50 to 100 percent. With increased fuel mileage and reduced maintenance requirements, many EMD customers will see a payback in two to three years.

?Rugged, durable ultracapacitor cells provide the best energy storage solution for acceleration and energy recapture,? said Mark McGough, CEO of Ioxus. ?With a wide breadth ofultracapacitor technology, Ioxus offers many highly reliable solutions for hybrid-electrical applications, increasing the efficiency of?the?hybrid conversion system by reducing overall system maintenance and cost to propel such technology toward mass adoption.?

Source: http://www.worktruckonline.com/News/Story/2012/07/EMD-Selects-Ioxus-3-000F-iCAP-Ultracapacitors-for-Improved-Fuel-Efficiency-in-Trucks.aspx

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People probably struggled to find a new place in this option. Even for a little financial education funding, etc., can use private student loans, car loans, bad credit loans such as home loans can solve the debt problems of use. Most of savings ultimately paying tenants can rent the house for a financial emergency use.

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Personal Injuries You May Not Know You Can ... - Legal Playground

The world of personal injury law is something that is a mystery to most people. If you feel you have been involved in a personal injury law case, then you should talk to a personal injury attorney about any compensation that may be due to you.

Most people imagine the list of personal injuries that can be claimed is a small list that includes only the obvious slip and fall, car accident and defective product categories. But there are several things you can sue for that you may not be aware of which can get you the settlement you need to pay for your injuries.

Slipping On Sidewalk Ice?

Most people know that you can talk to a personal injury lawyer about a slip and fall case that involves a home's walkway. However, you should also know that slipping and falling on a public sidewalk is also something you can sue for as well. In some cases, you would sue the homeowner or business owner where the sidewalk is located. It other cases, you would sue the municipality. One New Hampshire personal injury attorney advises that ?this area of premises liability law is complex and may require the collection of extensive evidence proving that the property owner did in fact have a duty of care that was breached.?

Public Transportation

The public has this perception that if there is an accident while using public transportation that there is no legal recourse for the victims. If you have been injured as the result of riding a public bus, subway system or aircraft, then you may have a personal injury case that can be brought before a court.

Libel / Slander

Have you ever wondered what kind of case people bring against other people who print or say damaging and inaccurate things in public? They are personal injury cases, and they are just as viable as any case where you receive a physical injury. Emotional and mental damage is now a common factor in personal injury claims.? Some recent cases have included emotional and mental injuries caused by online or cyber bullying, predominantly through social networking sites.

Sporting Events

The back of your sporting event ticket will often mention several conditions under which you cannot sue the team in a personal injury case. For example, professional ice hockey tickets mention that you cannot sue if you get hit by a flying puck. However, if a player throws his stick into the crowd in anger, then you may have a personal injury case.

Dog Bites

It is common to have a dog put down after it has attacked and bitten a person. But many people believe that the situation ends when the dog is destroyed. If the owners did not show proper restraint for their pet and the pet attacked you, then you have a personal injury case that you can claim. The laws relating to dog attacks vary from state to state so you should seek advice from a lawyer within the state in which the attack took place.? For example, if you suffered a dog attack in New Hampshire then you need to contact a NH personal injury lawyer to ensure you receive the right legal advice before pursuing a claim.

A personal injury case is not always something that is cut and dry. If you receive an injury due to someone else's negligence, you need to look into the possibility that you may have a claim. There are many different types of personal injury claims that you may have never heard of which can act to protect you in the event of an injury.

?Bio:?Article written by Georgina Clatworthy, who has written numerous articles relating to personal injury, DUI and other legal topics.? She is currently a contributing writer for the personal injury experts at Tenn and Tenn who have helped thousands of personal injury victims make successful claims.

Source: http://www.legalplayground.com/855-personal-injuries-you-may-not-know-you-can-claim-for.html

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Hasbro Lazer Tag hands-on (video)

Hasbro Lazer Tag handson video

The NERF has been dropped, but Hasbro's Lazer Tag system is still the same awesome toy we got a taste of in February. The difference is, now they're retail ready. Individual blasters, complete with iDevice dock, will hit shelves in just over a week, while packages of two are scheduled for October 1st. The companion iOS app is already available through iTunes, but a rep from Hasbro still describes it as being in beta form (an update is on its way that will remove that tag and simplify the initial set-up). The same rep was also nice enough to swing by the Engadget compound and deliver us a pile of blasters to test ourselves, which we immediately took out for a test run in Washington Square Park. Head on past the break for some impressions and a taste of our "Lazer" battle royale.

Continue reading Hasbro Lazer Tag hands-on (video)

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Hasbro Lazer Tag hands-on (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 26 Jul 2012 12:40:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2012/07/26/hasbro-lazer-tag-hands-on-video/

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He is specialist in lost love spells that work, love spells that really work in days, magic love spells to return your lost lover, easy love spells, binding for love and revenge, divorce spells ,marriage spell business spells Have you lost a lover and you want your ex back? Are you looking for true love, but you do not know where to start? Do you want to stop a divorce from happening? Is your partner cheating on you and you want to put an end to it? Life is too short to be unhappy. We offer a variety of spells that can help you in every aspect of your love life. Attract a Lover Spell The perfect spell to attract a new love in your life. Lost Love Spell Cast to bring back a lost lover; Get your Ex Back. Marriage Spell Cast to convince you partner to ask the Big Question. Banish a Past Lover Spell Cast against those who does not want to accept the relationship is over. Banish Grief Spell A spell to help you come to terms with the feelings of loss. Get your life back. Find True Love Spell Helps you find your True Love. Breaking Up Spell Helps you to end a relationship in the right way at the right time. Stop a Divorce Spell Does just that. This spell will put and end to your fears of losing your partner. The Spells listed here are the ones we cast regularly. Should you require a Spell that is not listed here or you need customization done to existing spells, please do not hesitate to Contact us for a Free Consultation Please read our Frequently Asked Questions for more information on http://www.spiritualpsychichealer.com or email.drkimdunga@gmail.com call.+27784271274
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Thierry Henry won't rule out second Arsenal ... - BBC World News

Arsenal legend Thierry Henry has revealed his desire to return to the club during the MLS off-season. Thierry Henry became Arsenal?s all-time top goalscorer during his eight years at the club (Picture: Getty Images) The 34-year-old New York Red Bulls striker re-joined the Gunners on a short-term loan deal last January, where he acted as cover for Marouane Chamakh and Gervinho during the African Cup of Nations. Henry marked his short return to the club by scoring two goals in seven matches, as the club turned around their sloppy form and eventually finished third in the table. It was an experience that both the player and his manager Arsene Wenger benefited from, and Henry is already throwing his hat into the ring for another return to North London during the forthcoming MLS winter break. ?I would like to go back to England with Arsenal for sure,? Henry said. ?I wasn?t planning to go back to play last season. I was there to train and they asked me if I wanted to play. Who knows what might happen in the future? ?I?ve not yet spoken to Arsene about it so I don?t know what capacity I could go back in.? Henry, Arsenal?s all time leading goalscorer with 228 goals, has long been linked with a return to the club as a possible youth team coach, and the former France international went on to admit that is something he?d consider. ?Coaching does interest me but I don?t know what my talent is going to be after I have finished my career. But I will go back to Arsenal.? Arsenal have already told Henry he is welcome to use the club?s training facilities in the new year, but are yet to decide on whether his talents will be needed on the pitch. Check out our latest daily transfer gossip live blog

Source: http://bbc-worldnews.net/2012/07/thierry-henry-wont-rule-out-second-arsenal-comeback-in-mls-break/

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Manchester Web Design Helps Businesses Succeed Online ...

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Manchester, UK July 23rd 2012 ? A Manchester web design service can provide businesses with highly effective and cost efficient means of promoting their service, winning new leads, and converting interested visitors into paying customers. The design needs to look good ... Improvements have also been seen in mobile Internet technology and in the availability of extensive data plans that allow users to be able to access and use online pages. Developing a mobile ...

Source: http://www.journalists.ws/business/2012/07/26/manchester-web-design-helps-businesses-succeed-online

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Manager Total Compensation - HigherEdJobs

Under the general direction of the Chief Human Resources Officer, this position is a strategic member of the Human Resource Management team
and responsible for the administration of all compensation and benefits functions for the University. Primary responsibilities include but
are not limited to compensation including executive compensation; organizational and job design; job evaluation; workforce planning;
benefits counseling and administration; tuition assistance program; and applicable HR systems. The position will also coordinate as
appropriate with University System Shared Services for various benefit, pension, and health services

Minimum Education Requirements Bachelor's Degree in Human Resources, Business, Public Administration or related field; five years of progressively responsible experience in managing compensation/classification and benefits programs.

Preferred Qualifications/Skills:
Master's Degree in Human Resources, Business, Public Administration or related field.

Prefer strong knowledge of University System of Georgia compensation/classification system and salary administration policies and procedures.

Responsibilities Summary
? Consults with the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) and other members of management team on all matters related to compensation, organization, and job design and performance management matters. This includes coordinating salary plans, salary management, incentive and recognition/award programs, organization and workforce planning. Additionally, will provide leadership in developing and maintaining related University policies/procedures, including the design of creative solutions to issues in these areas.

? Monitors compensation practices to ensure compliance with Board of Region (BOR), University policies, Federal and State regulations and guidelines, and best practices. Notify line managers where practices are not compliant and may expose the institution to litigation, remediation and penalties, etc. Notify CHRO of all findings, remedial actions and status of external actions.

? Ensure appropriate job classification for staff positions. Develop, refine and manage job evaluation methods, criteria, standards and tools to facilitate consistency in classification decisions. Oversee and administer the staff salary plans and wage agreements, in coordination with the Payroll Office. Oversee participation in and utilization of compensation surveys to collect and analyze competitive salary information to determine the organization's competitive position.

? Coordinate with University payroll to ensure appropriate compensation and benefit adjustments are applied accurately and in a timely manner.

? Responsible for ensuring all benefit materials and processes are consistent and in compliance with Clayton State and University System of Georgia(USG) policy, federal, and state regulations. Notify CHRO and USG Shared Services Benefits section of known and suspected discrepancies as they become apparent.

? Monitors and coordinates the processing of benefits claims to ensure compliance with policy, contractual provisions, and relevant laws and regulations; provides individual benefits counseling to faculty and staff employees, as appropriate.

? Provides technical support to lower level benefits staff regarding the processing of benefits documentation to ensure compliance with policy, procedure, and regulatory requirements; provides input into design, implementation, and/or modification of documentation, as appropriate.

? Develop, maintain, and manage communication and work flows with interfacing departments such as payroll and accounts payable regarding benefits enrollment and premium collection functions.

? Manage tuition assistance program for all employees.

? Work with benefit representatives in ongoing reconciliation of premium discrepancies and to ensure benefit premium adjustments are handled in a timely manner.

? Provide employees and their dependents with accurate, current, and timely information regarding benefit options through individual counseling, group meetings, and dissemination of printed and electronic materials.

? In concert with benefits representatives and within HIPAA guidelines, coordinate as necessary with benefit consultant, insurance carriers and providers to troubleshoot and resolve employee claim issues in a timely manner.

? Manage coordination of benefits payments and related reconciliations with Financial Services staff; oversee resolution of discrepancies, corrections, arrears contributions, etc.

? Propose, plan and present benefit events such as benefit fairs and wellness fairs for all faculty and staff, including the development of content materials. Coordinate activities with broader campus events and health initiatives. May engage area health providers as sponsors and information resource services.

? Administers employee education benefits and ensures compliance with Clayton State and USG policy, federal, and state regulations.

General Administration:
? Serve as a subject matter expert, campus resource and/or active participate in workgroups and committees, particularly for systems related to compensation/classification, human resources data warehouse, and benefits on campus and system wide technology initiatives.

? May participate in the development and implementation of operating budgets, systems implementation and enhancements, and the integration of department procedures; participates in overall organizational decision making as a member of the management team.

? Hire, train and develop, assign work, and evaluate performance of professional staff in the Compensation and Benefits areas.

? Performs miscellaneous job-related duties as assigned.

Source: http://www.higheredjobs.com/details.cfm?JobCode=175652781

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